FREE Web Training:
3 Neuro-Masculine
Secrets To Quit Porn
WHILE Cracking the Code to Conquering Any Goal...FOR LIFE

This is the Greatest Opportunity RIGHT NOW where we'll equip you with the most valuable, up-to-date arsenal of Self-Mastery systems IN THE WORLD... so you can


Almost Complete...
Open membership for our Self-Mastery Club will NOT be open for long...


Truth is - we have a reputation to uphold. And because you're investing in yourself today, we want to make sure you're getting THE BEST community experience & training possible.

Remember, this isn't some "course" to learn a quick tactic or two...

This is THE BEST, long-term system money can buy, right now, that can help grant you the life you deserve!

If we were to allow everyone in, then we'll become stretched too thin, and our team and I will suffer...

In other words, if you're here NOW, then you're in luck and we still have room.

But don't wait, stall, or procrastinate!

Your new life you've always knew you were meant for is right around the corner!

All you have to do is click the link below and we'll get started today!

Here's Everything

You Get Today (plus a beer...)

  • Self-Mastery Club Community Access ($999)​
  • ​Self-Mastery Systems ($779 value)
  • Reforged Man Course ($779 value)
  • ​Man On A Mission Course [coming soon] ($779)
  • ​​Re-Write Your Body Course ($399)
  • ​Self-Mastery Library ($299)
  • ​1 Year of Cohort Access ($1,199)
  • [BONUS] UNLIMITED Cohort Access (Priceless)

Total Value of $5,235

You Get All Of This And More For $747,
then $77/Month

Today's Special Offer: 
90 Day Access For Only $297

Then You Pay Only $39/Month 
(As part of a monthly subscription that you can cancel 
at any time before or after your initial 90 day period)
You will be locked in at this monthly rate even 
when we raise prices in the future.

Join Now & I'll Buy You A Beer

Buy before this offer ends and I'll make it extra sweet for you. I'll buy you a beer. I'll take off another $10 and you can go out and buy a beer on me! It will make a perfect introduction inside the Self-Mastery Club too! 

60-Day Guarantee...

Sign up today - if you don't like it for ANY REASON, just email support ( and we'll give you your money back. 

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What if I'm already a member of the Vanguard?

Vanguard is being replaced with the new and improved Self-Mastery Club. Your membership will cease if it hasn't already. 

2. Will the Self-Mastery Club work for [insert your desired habit or one you want to stop]?

It will work for any habit. If you're trying to do anything immoral, this will not work because everything we teach is founded on the idea of dignity. 

-Get in shape
-Be productive 
-Quit Porn
-Quit video games
-Improve relationships
-Improve your mindset

As long as you're a man and there's a habit or pattern you want to improve in your life, the systems we teach you here will help you!

3. How much time do I need to put towards this each day/week for it to work? 

A Minimum of 10 minutes a day. If you can read and write you can do it. 

4. What if it doesn't work for me?

The first thing you do is to share that with the community and myself within the members area. 99.9% of the time its just a small tweak in your approach that needs adjusting. This is what the community is for. When you engage in it, you activate the Convergent Mastermind principle and things start happening. But, in the worst case scenario we offer a 60 day money back guarantee. You can also cancel anytime before the monthly billing begins at 91 days or anytime after. 

5. Are there any conditions to the guarantee, do I have to do anything first? How easy is it? 

Just hit us up at and we'll refund your money. 

6. How do I sign up?

Click the link on this page.  You'll be directed to a checkout page. Fill in your basic billing information. You can pay with credit card or Paypal and boom you're in!

7. Is there a money back guarantee?

Yes! Within 60 days. 

8. Can I cancel anytime after? How easy is it? Any conditions?

On day 91 you will be billed your first monthly membership fee of $77 $39 a month. You can cancel anytime before then to avoid being charged monthly. It's a month to month subscription. So anytime after your first monthly charge you can also cancel at anytime. However because you are locked in at the $39 monthly rate, if you cancel your membership you will lose that rate forever and have to pay $77 or more if you decide to come back. To cancel simply email 

9. How do I get started once I'm in?

When you're in the members area you'll see a "Start Here" button at the top. Click that and you'll watch an orientation video that will tell you everything you need to make the most of the Self-Mastery Club. I'll help you get started with setting up your profile for success, making your first introduction post, starting your first course and using the STAQ method system.

10. Money is a bit tight right now, should I still get this?

I completely understand that a one time fee of $297 and the $39 a month can seem overwhelming for men in situations that they're in. Self-Mastery is about mastering YOU in any situation you're in so that with mastery, slowly but surely, you'll start improving your life. My first suggestion is to focus on the $297 and don't think about the monthly fee just yet because you can always cancel before then. Focus on these first 90 days. You will be very surprised how much time 90 days really is when you develop Self-Mastery. A LOT CAN BE DONE to make that $297 mean less and less to you. You NEED Self-Mastery in the modern world to thrive. 

Self-Mastery is like gasoline. It's like asking "do I need to buy the gas that would let me drive to my job?". Without it you stall on the side of the road.

11. I really want in, but I don't have any money. 

This is an excellent opportunity to practice Self-Mastery RIGHT NOW. I'm going to help you (If you were to post this question in the community, this is the kind of reply you would get). Please read. 

There are three angles here. The first is that in many cases it can be easier to find $297 in your budget over the next 3 months, after selling something or cutting out unnecessary purchases/expenses. 

The second angle is that you need to realize how much money you are leaving on the table with your money mindset, approaches, time use, lack of clarity, decision making processes, idea generation and productivity systems. How much money would Self-Mastery save you? If you had a little more Self-Mastery and direction you could follow a budget and temporarily sacrifice buying coffee, alcohol, cigarettes, marijuana, cam sites, dining, video games, junk food - until you can increase your budget or cut them altogether. 

How much money could you make with more Self-Mastery? One small tweak in your approach at your work moves you closer to a promotion, sometimes within weeks. Through Self-Mastery you can take inventory of how you spend your time and create more time by eliminating activities that aren't solving your current money situation. 

How much money can you make if you spent 2, 5 or 10 focused hours a week on solving this problem of not affording $297 for 3 months access? 

The third angle is to focus on the first 90 days. Focus on how to get the $297 so you can get in. Then you don't have to worry about the $39 a month for 3 months (worst case you can cancel before 90 days to avoid the first $39 billing cycle). 3 months, with more Self-Mastery is a long time to make substantial changes. You could get a friend to help out in this investment in yourself - if you're 100% committed to implementing everything you learn and to fully engage in the community. You can set up a payment plan with them that works for you. I'm just giving you ideas here. Do what you're comfortable with. Another idea is to sell something on a free online marketplace. I've often done this when I don't want to go into my budget. I'll sell some collectible or furniture that isn't used on free online marketplaces and make a little bit of extra cash. Perhaps it's a hybrid of selling something and getting a friend to help. 

This is not financial advice. I'm simply providing ideas for you to think of. 

12. Is it private? How much do I have to share?

Yes, the Self-Mastery Club is for paying members only. You can share as much or as little as you are comfortable with. You will get tremendous value even if you don't share anything but you lurk and read other peoples posts. I highly recommend to at least comment on other peoples posts encouraging them! This works wonders for you! It is engaging for you. Then maybe, in time, you may want to share a little. But it's not required for you to build Self-Mastery. I've seen this kind of thing a lot in my communities. It's normal. Self-Mastery isn't about forcing yourself.

13. How much interaction with YOU do I get? 

I'll be doing monthly calls where I share some of the latest ideas and systems that I'm working on. It's also a chance to say hello and take questions from the community. Then up to weekly on the course cohorts. I also frequent the forums and activity feeds. 

14. What are cohorts? How long are they? Why is it important?  

 A cohort is when a group of people start a course on the same day and go through it together. This is the Convergent Mastermind principle on steroids. We will have weekly calls where we summarize the material, do exercises and answer the questions. We will participate in organized work in the forums. Everyone is working on the same material together - very powerful! 

It gives you more motivation, energy and power. 

The length is different for each cohort, and we continue to experiment. For example our Reforged Man cohort runs for about 8 weeks. 

15. Is this an app? Where do I log in?

There WILL be an app developed here soon. You access the Self-Mastery Club on the web at 

16. How often will new content be added?


Self-Mastery Club is a training and membership based company that helps men change their habits to create more of the life they want. We make no claims or representation that by using Self-Mastery Club you will earn money or make your money back. This video presentation and the testimonials and are hereby used for educational and exemplary purposes only, they are not intended to incite sales. While they may show real experiences from paying users of Self-Mastery Club, their personal results are not typical, and your personal experience will vary based upon the effort you put in and to the degree of implementation you execute on and forces beyond anyone’s control.

California residents can obtain information about the categories of personal information collected, and the business purposes for which the information is collected, by clicking here.

While these testimonials are real, participants may have been incentivized. These results are not typical and we make no earnings or return on investment claims. Self-Mastery Club is not a business opportunity, it’s a series of trainings and community to help men better themselves.
Mark Queppet LLC - © 2022 All Rights Reserved | POB 488 Franklin MA 02038
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