Make quitting porn inevitable
WITHOUT relying on
white-knuckle willpower...

No matter how many times you've tried and failed before in the past!

Make quitting porn inevitable
WITHOUT relying on
white-knuckle willpower...

No matter how many times you've tried and failed before in the past!

If you're an ambitious man and want to quit porn but are burnt out from repeatedly "trying harder" and STILL failing…

Then start "trying smarter" and join the thousands of guys who have gotten clean and unleashed their potential by using a system that turns plain old ordinary effort that even the most AVERAGE guy can muster... into a porn-free life where you can finally claim the fulfillment, productivity and romance that you want.

"The tools in this course stretch far beyond getting clean from PMO. This cohort gave me the balls to confront the demons I was too embarrassed to confront with my therapist, and for the first time in a while I'm feeling genuinely comfortable in my own skin again. I'm building the confidence and drive to tackle goals I've been procrastinating for ages." 
- Adrian S


Rampant Porn use is CASTRATING the Modern Man's ability to thrive! Instead of taking advantage of the insane opportunities available today to build abundant wealth, have incredible experiences, and find deeply fulfilling romantic intimacy... guys are stuck with their eyeballs glued to pixilated body parts, pitifully pumping their vital energy directly into the gutter!


The ONLY way to turn this around is to pass the ultimate "rite of passage" for the modern man and QUIT PORN.

The only way to become the man you're meant to be is to join the thousands of guys who have reclaimed their dignity, unlocked their discipline, and transformed their lives through the process of quitting porn.


It's no secret that quitting porn (especially without proper guidance) can be freakishly hard. When most guys try to quit on their own, they either:

•  Relapse on autopilot like some brain-dead porn-zombie
•  ​Get tripped up by some devilish rationalization
•  Or simply throw their streak in the trash when life sucker-punches them with some stressful challenge


Luckily, there's an answer, and that answer is REFORGED MAN  - the ultimate porn-recovery program that will help you rip your porn addiction out from the root and unlock the life you've been looking for.


Luckily, there's an answer, and that answer is REFORGED MAN - the ultimate porn-recovery program that will help you rip your porn addiction out from the root and unlock the life you've been looking for.


My name is Mark Queppet, and ten years ago I finally succeeded in kicking the porn habit that had been ruining my life since adolescence. In the decade since, not only have I stayed clean from both porn and masturbation, I have become a world renowned anti-escapism and porn addiction recovery coach.
Millions of people have watched my youtube videos. Thousands of guys have gone through my online programs and I've personally coached hundreds of guys to the porn free life they desire.
Through the thousands of hours I've spent working in-the-trenches helping guys with this problem I've developed the ultimate system that will get you clean WITHOUT white knuckle effort and that's what I want to share with you today:


My name is Mark Queppet, and ten years ago I finally succeeded in kicking the porn habit that had had been ruining my life since adolescence. In the decade since, not only have I stayed clean from both porn and masturbation, I have become a world renowned anti-escapism and porn addiction recovery coach.
Millions of people have watched my youtube videos. Thousands of guys have gone through my online programs and I've personally coached hundreds of guys to the porn free life they desire.
Through the thousands of hours I've spent working in-the-trenches helping guys with this problem I've developed the ultimate system that will get you clean WITHOUT white knuckle effort and that's what I want to share with you today:

Reforged Man Course ($2,294 Value)
  • The Ultimate System to Quit Porn
When you sign up for the Reforged Man course today, you'll gain access to these 5 bonuses (with more details for each below):

BONUS #1:  3 Months of Self-Mastery Club Membership ($117 Value)

  •  Three Months of Premium Masculine Development Community Access
  • ​Exclusive community and resources that will help you unlock your potential... both in quitting porn and beyond
BONUS #2:  Live Mentoring & Cohort Access ($1199 Value)
  • How to make sure you do the work RIGHT (even if you're short on time)
  • ​Get live support on your SPECIFIC situation
  • ​Gain access to the brotherhood SUPER POWER of doing this with other men at the same time!
BONUS #3:  The "Stay On Track" 90-Day Email Series ($299 Value)
  • How to get yourself to actually DO the work
  • ​Learn our powerful 7-Minute+ Daily Reforge Routine
  • ​Includes our "Set Up For Success" system
  • ​Simple reminders to KEEP YOU ON TRACK, while priming you to get the very most out of the course
BONUS #4:  1-Min "Daily Focus" Dashboard ($97)
  •  A visual dashboard that keeps your most important metrics front and center for you
  • ​An fun & easy tool to keep you focused EVERY DAY on what matters most
BONUS #5:  14 "Beyond Porn" Self-Mastery Systems ($779 Value)
  • ​Tools for "dealing" with all the extra energy, mental space and motivation you will gain from quitting porn.
  • ​Systems to increase productivity, decision making, time management and beyond!

Total Value of $3,586

Reforged Man Course ($2,294 Value)
  • The Ultimate System to Quit Porn
When you sign up for the Reforged Man course today, here's what you'll get (with more details for each below):

BONUS #1: 3 Months of Self-Mastery Club Membership ($117 Value)

  • Three Months of Premium Masculine Development Community Access
  • ​​​Exclusive community and resources that will help you unlock your potential... both in quitting porn and beyond
BONUS #2: Live Mentoring & Cohort Access ($1199 Value)
  • How to make sure you do the work RIGHT (even if you're short on time)
  • ​Get live support on your SPECIFIC situation
  • ​​​Gain access to the brotherhood SUPER POWER of doing this with other men at the same time!
BONUS #3: The "Stay On Track" 90-Day Email Series ($299 Value)
  • How to get yourself to actually DO the work
  • ​​Learn our powerful 7-Minute+ Daily Reforge Routine
  • ​​Includes our "Set Up For Success" system
  • ​Simple reminders to KEEP YOU ON TRACK, while priming you to get the very most out of the course
BONUS #4: 1-Min "Daily Focus" Dashboard ($97)
  • A visual dashboard that keeps your most important metrics front and center for you
  • ​​​An fun & easy tool to keep you focused EVERY DAY on what matters most
BONUS #5: 14 "Beyond Porn" Self-Mastery Systems ($779 Value)
  • Tools for "dealing" with all the extra energy, mental space and motivation you will gain from quitting porn.
  • Systems to increase productivity, decision making, time management and beyond!

Total Value of $3,586

Price you pay TODAY:


Available spots:


Price you pay TODAY:


Available spots:


IMPORTANT:  We are growing RAPIDLY. To maintain our level of support we have a GROWTH CAP and can only allow so many men in each month. So secure your spot now to lock in this chance to quit porn and transform your life!

Limited Spots Available This Month!


Let’s walk through everything you get when you invest today…

Reforged Man Course 
($2,294 Value)

The Reforged Man program is the ultimate solution for quitting porn and unlocking your true masculine potential. This program is the result of over 10 years of studying habit change and working with men to overcome their porn addiction:


  • Learn types of self-talk that act like a "neurological special forces team" that breach even the deepest depths of your psyche and ruthlessly eliminate the rationalizations, lies, and limiting beliefs that keep you hooked on porn
  • ​An EXACT process, both internal AND external for how to crush even the most troublesome porn cravings
  • ​Craft a highly motivating vision of your porn free life that is so powerful that you will be COMPELLED to take action on it
  • ​Tap into an unshakable buy-in to eliminating this problem so that no matter what life throws your way, you stay the course
  • ​Track your streak in a way that keeps you laser focused on EXACTLY what is most important and keeping you feeling like you are always leveling up
  • ​What kinds of things you're likely to experience at different stages of this process, removing all the head-scratching and confusion as your brain rewires
  • Master an insanely simple but ridiculously powerful journaling technique that will program your brain for success, allowing you to reprogram your "mental autopilot" so that you start staying clean AUTOMATICALLY - even during your typical "problem times"
  • Kill the feeling of "constant deprivation" by offering your emotional mind the specific porn-alternatives that will render the temptation of porn irrelevant
  • ​Discover the mechanics of sexual transmutation - allowing you to turn all unused sexual energy into power

BONUS #1: 
3 Months of Self-Mastery Club Membership ($117 Value)

Why this is important to you:

Back when I was quitting porn, one of the most frustrating and draining things was feeling like I needed to be constantly "perfect." It felt that if I let myself relax just a little bit, I'd relapse. And frankly, experience proved this to be true.

But luckily I had a breakthrough one night when I was cruising for another relapse. I was a few beers deep and about one click away from using porn.

Almost on a whim, I clicked on the porn quitting community I was using at the time instead.

I read a post about a guy relapsing and feeling terrible. I read one about a guy who hit 90 days and felt on top of the world. I read another one of a guy who had been clean for a while getting his first kiss from a girl.

And you know what happened? I stayed clean... and I didn't even try!

Let me say that again: I stayed clean, and I didn't even TRY

This was mind-blowing for me because I was so used to having to exert insane amounts of effort fighting myself.

What I realize now is that night I tapped into a massive storehouse of power that I was previously neglecting.

You see, we are BIOLOGICALLY social creatures, meaning a huge chunk of our brain and nervous system is dedicated to social interaction.

Instead of having to exert a ton of willpower to stay clean, I could just pop onto the community, stimulate this social circuitry in my brain, and almost effortlessly gain a quick burst of accountability and motivation.

Ever since that point, I've always ran my own communities - and the Self-Mastery Club is the best one yet. It's a new, private social media platform for guys dedicated to mastering themselves and becoming the men they are meant to be.

This power is strengthened even further by the Self-Mastery Club mobile app, which brings the full power of the community to your phone.

I've always said that quitting porn is fundamentally different than other typical substance addictions because the drug dealer (i.e. the porn sites and adult models) sit right inside every man's pocket.

But this app changes the game by giving you a clear and healthy alternative to reach for in your down moments.

Instead of your phone being a gateway of pure temptation, the Self-Mastery Club app allows you to grab a dignified dopamine hit, strengthen your mindset, gain connection, and affirm the life you truly want to live.

Typically, after the initial sign-up it costs $39 per month to maintain access to the Reforged Man course and Self-Mastery Club, but when you sign up today, you'll get three months of Club and App access for free!
Get 3 Months of access to the Self-Mastery Club premium masculine development community.

You need to be part of this community if you want to...
  • Access a library of premium advanced self-development, mindset, and productivity content that will help you unlock your potential... both in quitting porn and beyond
  • ​Have the app on your phone, turning it into a GOOD hit of dopamine!
  • ​Interact on our new, private social network filled with other guys who take kicking ass and thriving in life as seriously as you do
  • ​Exclusive live calls and challenges designed to keep you busting through plateaus to reach consistently higher levels of self-mastery
  • ​Have an "emergency button" for when you feel yourself slipping and just want to point your face at something and get back on track

BONUS #2: 
Live Mentoring & Cohort Access
($1,199 value)

Why this is important to you:

I was always a good student until I got to college and started studying software engineering.

The lack of useful textbooks and the "figure it out yourself" attitude caused me to flounder so much that I lost my honors scholarship and was on the verge of failing out in general.

Luckily, there were two things things that saved me I started going to all the office hours put on by my professors and TAs.

I started homework and study groups were I could work with my peers.

And guess what? I went from losing my scholarship and almost failing out to graduating with a 3.0 in software engineering. And while that's not necessarily amazing, this was all done while being a dysfunctional porn and video game addict who partied heavily.

After I grew up a fair bit, and started doing this work, I decided to add a similar "cheat code" for my clients to help them quit porn more easily.

That's why I offer regular mentoring calls and cohorts. 

The mentoring calls are just like my professor's office hours:
  • You and other club members tune into a live call, ask me questions, and get answers and coaching directly from me (note, I charge thousands of dollars to get individualized attention from me)
  • ​Listen to recordings at your convenience
The cohorts are just like the study groups but applied to the Reforged Man course:
  • Multiple times a year, we create a big push to get a large group of guys to go through the Reforged Man course together at the same pace. It's so much easier to do when you've got the momentum of a bunch of other guys pulling you along. 
  • ​Increased the frequency of the mentoring calls during cohorts

BONUS #3: 
The "Stay On Track" 90-Day Email series
($299 value)

What you should know:

The MOST COMMON reason guys relapse on porn after committing to getting clean is...

NOT some kind of deep internal issue - although they will certainly block your progress. 

The most COMMON reason guys relapse is because... they simply FORGET what they are doing.

This is the strange nature of porn use. The more successful you are at quitting, the more your streak increases, and the less you feel like you need to think about quitting porn or putting any energy into it.

I can't tell you the number of times where I see a guy get a couple weeks clean, start feeling confident, assume their recovery is on autopilot and then they start focusing their attention elsewhere.

The problem is that until you are 90 days or more clean, the neural pathway for porn use is still so strong that just a SINGLE moment of weakness can lead to a relapse.

To make matters worse, typically the BIGGEST cravings come within the 3-6 week period, which is AFTER most guys start feeling in the clear.

So nine times out of ten, guys in this situation get caught off guard by an intense craving, relapse, potentially binge, undo almost all of their progress, and find themselves filled with frustration as they start from day 1 all over again.

In order to help with this we created the "Stay On Track" 90-Day email series. This special email series will be sent to your inbox at steady intervals to help you keep your focus and motivation aligned with the process of quitting porn. It will also give you detailed instructions to get yourself set up for success in the course and the Club in the first 7 days! Start strong, and cruise to victory.

In combination with everything else we're offering here, this series plays a powerful role in mitigating one of your biggest risks to recovery.

What to expect from the "Stay On Track" 90-Day Email Series:

  • The perfect amount of meta-level guidance to ensure you never forget and KEEP YOU ON TRACK, while priming you to get the very most out of the course
  • ​How to get yourself to actually DO the work
  • ​Learn our powerful 7-Minute+ Daily Reforge Routine
  • ​Includes our "Set Up For Success" system

BONUS #4: 
The 1-Minute "Daily Focus" Dashboard
($97 value)

Before I describe this bonus, I need to first dispel a widespread and seemingly sensible myth about porn recovery that will PERMANENTLY block you from quitting.

The myth goes like this: you should stop focusing on quitting porn and tracking your streak and instead just focus on living a better life. If you just put your energy into REAL life, then you'll naturally lose your desire to watch porn. Focusing on your streaks and relapses just makes you more stressed and will cause you to relapse more.

And like I said, this might sound sensible, but this IS NOT TRUE. ANYONE who says this either was never actually hooked on porn OR they have never actually quit porn. And they DEFINITELY have never helped anyone actually QUIT porn. 

This has been proven to me repeatedly by my 10 years of experience in having my income directly tied to getting guys results in this area.

You see, tracking your progress is ESSENTIAL.

And while improving the rest of your life IS essential... the bottom line is that this habit will not magically go away on its own without direct work on the problem itself.

This is because you will ultimately need to intentionally and systematically reprogram your response to stress, negative emotion, and sexual longing. This doesn't happen by accident.

To do it on purpose, we must embrace the old axiom of "what gets measured gets improved."
In combination with the mindsets and tools you will learn in the Reforged Man course, tracking and measuring progress is a MANDATORY part of recovery.

And don't worry, we'll be teaching you how you can avoid beating yourself and actually turn slips and relapses into confidence boosting learning experiences that will actually HELP reprogram your brain rather than leave you frustrated and wanting to binge.

To make this part of the process even easier, we've put together a powerful dashboard for you to track all the most important variables for your recovery.

The best part is that with this dashboard it only takes a minute per day to keep yourself focused in like a laser on your progress.

You'll find an incredible amount of peace from having yourself organized, you'll likely even start ENJOYING the process of watching your progress stack up!
Here's what you get: 

  • A simple 1-Minute daily habit to stay focused, nourished, and confident
  • ​A visual dashboard that keeps your most important metrics front and center for you
  • ​An fun & easy tool to keep you focused EVERY DAY on what matters most
  • ​A Self diagnostic tool to keep your finger on the pulse of your Reforge

BONUS #5:  14 "Beyond Porn" Self-Mastery Systems
($779 value)

Sometimes I discreetly chuckle when a guy who’s gone 90 days and beyond without porn asks me questions like…

I don’t know what I should do with my career? 

I don’t know which girl I should date more seriously…

During the day I feel busy but at the end of the day I feel like I 
accomplished nothing.

 What do I do? 

I chuckle and secretly smile within. When he first started Reforged Man, he was struggling to quit porn. Now that he’s quit he has more time, more mental space, more motivation, he's more optimistic and is way more confident. So he starts to look at the other areas of his life he wants to improve. 

This is why I’m including 14 "Beyond Porn" Self-Mastery Systems for you - a collection of exclusive guides and workshops designed to help you restructure your life AFTER you quit porn. 

After you quit, you'll want to dive into this bonus so you can:
  • Increase productivity
  • ​Improve decision making
  • ​Master time management
  • ​Develop a compelling life vision
  • ​Amplify your motivation...and more!
These are perfect for deep study work or to passively upload new strategies and mindsets into your mind while doing chores or commuting. 

The “Perfect Fit” Money-Back Guarantee
($297 worth of peace of mind)

In order to help you be 100% confident in your investment today and eliminate any risk to you... if at any point in the first two weeks of the program, you decide that you're NOT a perfect fit for what we're offering, you can ask us for a refund and get your money back, easy-peasy.

You've got TWO paths today with ZERO financial risk to you... but only one of them leads to freedom

Path #1: You DON’T Buy
You could not purchase today, but this comes with a 99% chance that you're going to just keep getting more of the same:
  • Stuck poisoning your brain and spirit with pornographic crud
  • ​Continued frustration of never being able to unlock your potential because your time and energy is being wasted
  • ​Lack of motivation and fire because porn is stealing all your dopamine
  • ​Dysfunction in your habits, relationships and self-image from this inauthentic behavior
Path #2: You DO Buy
When you invest $297 today to lock in your spot, you’ll be able to try the program out risk free (remember, you're able to pull out any time in the first 30 days if it's not the right fit).

If you like what you find, commit to the system, and do the work, then you have an extremely high chance of kicking this habit and unleashing:
  • The extreme levels of motivation and discipline that are unlocked by a healthy brain
  • ​The confidence and peace of mind that comes from knowing that you have nothing to hide
  • ​A COMPLETE system for installing personal discipline, building good habits, and absolutely CONQUERING your goals
  • ​An unshakable and exceptional connection to yourself that will put you MILES ahead of the average guy who is still stuck in this problem
The worst case scenario is that you go all in for 30 days and you don't think this will give you the result you're looking for... and we just refund you your money and you walk away with all the insane knowledge and progress you acquire along the way.
Really, you're not even DECIDING today - you're just asking us to hold your spot so you can make that decision later.
You wouldn't buy a house without first looking inside, and that's exactly what we are letting you do with this program.

So if you're ready to finally quit porn and make one of the most positive life shifts you could EVER MAKE... then sign up now!

Limited Spots Available This Month!

What other men who've quit have to say...

Self-Mastery Club is a training and membership based company that helps men change their habits to create more of the life they want. We make no claims or representation that by using Self-Mastery Club you will earn money or make your money back. This video presentation and the testimonials and are hereby used for educational and exemplary purposes only, they are not intended to incite sales. While they may show real experiences from paying users of Self-Mastery Club, their personal results are not typical, and your personal experience will vary based upon the effort you put in and to the degree of implementation you execute on and forces beyond anyone’s control.

California residents can obtain information about the categories of personal information collected, and the business purposes for which the information is collected, by clicking here.

While these testimonials are real, participants may have been incentivized. These results are not typical and we make no earnings or return on investment claims. Self-Mastery Club is not a business opportunity, it’s a series of trainings and community to help men better themselves.
Mark Queppet LLC - © 2022 All Rights Reserved | POB 488 Franklin MA 02038
Self-Mastery Club is a training and membership based company that helps men change their habits to create more of the life they want. We make no claims or representation that by using Self-Mastery Club you will earn money or make your money back. This video presentation and the testimonials and are hereby used for educational and exemplary purposes only, they are not intended to incite sales. While they may show real experiences from paying users of Self-Mastery Club, their personal results are not typical, and your personal experience will vary based upon the effort you put in and to the degree of implementation you execute on and forces beyond anyone’s control.

California residents can obtain information about the categories of personal information collected, and the business purposes for which the information is collected, by clicking here.

While these testimonials are real, participants may have been incentivized. These results are not typical and we make no earnings or return on investment claims. Self-Mastery Club is not a business opportunity, it’s a series of trainings and community to help men better themselves.
Mark Queppet LLC - © 2022 All Rights Reserved | POB 488 Franklin MA 02038