Why this is important to you:
Back when I was quitting porn, one of the most frustrating and draining things was feeling like I needed to be constantly "perfect." It felt that if I let myself relax just a little bit, I'd relapse. And frankly, experience proved this to be true.
But luckily I had a breakthrough one night when I was cruising for another relapse. I was a few beers deep and about one click away from using porn.
Almost on a whim, I clicked on the porn quitting community I was using at the time instead.
I read a post about a guy relapsing and feeling terrible. I read one about a guy who hit 90 days and felt on top of the world. I read another one of a guy who had been clean for a while getting his first kiss from a girl.
And you know what happened? I stayed clean... and I didn't even try!
Let me say that again: I stayed clean, and I didn't even TRY
This was mind-blowing for me because I was so used to having to exert insane amounts of effort fighting myself.
What I realize now is that night I tapped into a massive storehouse of power that I was previously neglecting.
You see, we are BIOLOGICALLY social creatures, meaning a huge chunk of our brain and nervous system is dedicated to social interaction.
Instead of having to exert a ton of willpower to stay clean, I could just pop onto the community, stimulate this social circuitry in my brain, and almost effortlessly gain a quick burst of accountability and motivation.
Ever since that point, I've always ran my own communities - and the Self-Mastery Club is the best one yet. It's a new, private social media platform for guys dedicated to mastering themselves and becoming the men they are meant to be.
This power is strengthened even further by the Self-Mastery Club mobile app, which brings the full power of the community to your phone.
I've always said that quitting porn is fundamentally different than other typical substance addictions because the drug dealer (i.e. the porn sites and adult models) sit right inside every man's pocket.
But this app changes the game by giving you a clear and healthy alternative to reach for in your down moments.
Instead of your phone being a gateway of pure temptation, the Self-Mastery Club app allows you to grab a dignified dopamine hit, strengthen your mindset, gain connection, and affirm the life you truly want to live.
Typically, after the initial sign-up it costs $39 per month to maintain access to the Reforged Man course and Self-Mastery Club, but when you sign up today, you'll get three months of Club and App access for free!